Last weekend Strömstads sportdykarklubb cleaned up one of our favorite dive sites. Käbblingarna is protected April 1st – July 31 and thus off limit. It has become a tradition to dive there the first weekend in August every year, and this year we added a clean-up project to the event.
Divers from our club managed to mark all the ghost nets and pots we already knew where there. And found a few more.

Axmarin sponsored the event with lines and buoys. Kosterhavets National park with boat and crew to pick up the ghost nets and bring them to shore. Strömstads kommun took it all away for recycling. Excellent press coverage by Strömstads Tidning.

A local effort by local stake holders. It worked. We can do this. We can keep the ocean clean.
Now we need fishermens help. Simply by reporting lost fishing gear in GhostGuard. Every position reported will help us find and remove these killing machines.
If everyone using the ocean for work or pleasure contributes with a small effort we can keep the ocean clean.
Join us.