Happy new year!

If you’re one of the few who’s actually been visiting oceanus.no you have noticed a number of more or less successful designs over the years. Thank you very much for the patience.

The reason for this inconsistency is simple; my never ending curiosity of webdesign in general, and WordPress in particular. Beautiful photography websites is like a drug to me, and whenever I see a cool design I instantly imagine how my own images fit in that design.

The first versions of oceanus.no were created in iWeb. Just as I started to get the hang of it, Apple discontinued iWeb. After a brief tour with EverWeb, I realized WordPress was the way to go. From then on its been all about themes, builders and learning WordPress.

In 2019 it’s time to just decide the design, and start focusing on content instead. I found a theme that I like, Harbor from Themebeans. So, from now on its all about content. Like in photos. Underwater photos. And everything related. I’ll appreciate your continued patience.
